Thursday, May 9, 2013

Calculating Your Calorie Needs

The most common known way to lose weight, is to have a calorie deficit which is created when the amount of food energy (calories) you taken in is less than the total calories you use. In today's society, many products are being introduced as low calorie, low fat, etc. In return, these items are actually filled with chemicals to be 'low calorie'- hence, IT'S NOT FOOD and is unfamiliar with your body. Due to this reason, I don't count calories but I know many individuals do and usually begin their journey this way. With that said, I encourage you to figure what your calorie needs are and be sure to get an adequate amount. If you eat to much, they will be stored as fat and too little will make you lethargic - everyone is different. Always remember that each calorie is energy!

The first thing you must do is to determine your BMR, Basal Metabolic Rate, this is the amount of calories you would burn if you were to lay in bed all day. In order to do so, follow the formula below.

For men: BMR= 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - ( 6.8 x age)
For women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds) + ( 4.7 x height in inches) - ( 4.7 x age )

Next take into account your activity levels to find the number of calories you would need to maintain your current weight by multiplying your BMR x activity level using the following:
  • little or no exercise ( BMR x 1.2)
  • light exercise/ sports 1-3 days a week ( BMR x 1.375)
  • Medium exercise 3-5 days a week ( BMR x 1.55)
  • Hard exercise 6-7 days a week (BMR x 1.725)
  • Intense exercise/ very physical job or 2 a day training ( BMR x 1.9)
Once you have found your maintaining number you need to either add or subtract depending on your goals. To LOSE weight you need to burn off or subtract 500 calories. To GAIN weight increase by about 500. To maintain leave as is.

 Keep in mind that if you eat clean and have a healthy lifestyle, you don't need to count calories - just cut the processed, sugary, food-like options out! The photo below is from the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead." This is a great representation of why individuals overeat processed foods. Each one is the same amount of calories, but vegetables fill you up more telling your brain you are full.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Hydrating Your Body

Have you ever taken a second and thought about how much water you drink in a typical day? Chances are you aren't drinking enough water. It is recommended that an individual should drink 8 cups of water a day. When you line up 8 cups of water, it may seem like a lot - especially if it's not your beverage of choice. To take a step further, it is said that you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces every day. For example, 120lb individual should drink atleast 60 oz of water per day. I, however, drink more than a gallon a water a day!

Don't feel like water is that beneficial to you? You can live several weeks without food, but only a few days without water. You could be dehydrated from not drinking enough water which could cause a variety of symptoms such as fatigue/weakness, irritability, dizziness/lightheadedness, nausea, headaches, constipation, dry skin, etc. These are common issues that many individuals have, but are not aware of the reasoning why or how easily it is to fix. 

Dehydration can also CAUSE bloating. When the amount of water in your body falls too low, your kidneys signal the rest of your body to hold onto water. This is one of the reasons why drinking water can help reduce bloating. Increasing the amount of water in your body can stimulate your kidneys to release water, which should help relieve your bloating to some degree.

The benefits of water are endless! It is hydrating, refreshing, and healthy at 0 calories! Water removes waste and toxins, transports nutrients and oxygen, controls heart rate and blood pressure, regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, and protects organs and tissue, including the eyes, ears, and heart. Water can even help you lose weight by acting as an appetite suppressant. 

Are you ready to hydrate your body and feel the difference? Here are some ways to stay hydrated throughout your day. Keep water with you throughout the day - if you have it and are constantly reminded, you'll drink it without thinking. Keep in mind that if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Beverages high in sugar or caffeine, like soda, can cause dehydration. Be sure to eat food with high water content such as lettuce, watermelon, broccoli, or yogurt. Tracking your water intake can be very motivational, creating awareness and habit-forming.

Friday, May 3, 2013

My Progress

As I stated in my previous post, I have made many changes to my diet and exercise regimen. When I began my healthy lifestyle, I was 5'2" weighing 125lbs. I was happy with my body and how I looked. I was wearing size 2 jeans and size small shirts. I knew I wasn't in shape, and had slacked because of a couple things going on in my life at the moment. That's when I learned about the term 'skinny fat.'
The common wisdom is that if you are overweight you are unhealthy, and if you are thin, you are healthy. But new research points to just how dangerous being skinny can be -- if you are a "skinny fat" person, that is.
The medical term for this is "MONW," or metabolically obese normal weight, which I prefer to refer to as being a skinny fat person. It means you are under lean but over fat -- not enough muscle and too much fat (especially belly fat). It seems it is better to be fat and fit than thin and out of shape. - Huffington Post
 I was small, but I knew I wasn't in the best shape I could be - or that I was used to being in. I was very active in high school, playing three sports a year. Then once I got to college, I was busy with working two jobs, my home life, and the responsibilities that go with it. Most of the time I would be whooped when I came home, not wanting to do anything but relax. 

After reading this article and doing other research, I knew I had to make a change. A friend at work was doing the Insanity Workout, and I had always wanted to try it. And that's all it took - I began the Monday right after I got it! About a couple weeks into the workout, I began changing my eating habits. It was very difficult for me at first because of the daily temptations. Especially at the restaurant I worked at, everything was made from scratch - yummy homemade alfredo, homemade desserts like oreo ice cream pie and chocolate moose. Yum!! I made small changes to my diet, like having a salad instead of pasta. I NEVER used to like salad, now I crave it. It's very important to take things slow and learn what is best for you. 

Most importantly, you need to learn and educate yourself on the foods you are eating and the workout regimen you are doing. So many girls have said they wasted so much time and effort doing countless hours of cardio with no results. This is a HUGE no-no which I will do into detail at another time! Others have went on low carb diets, tried diet shakes, etc - all of that is only temporary. You need to make a change, that's why its called a healthy lifestyle. 

Below are some of my progress photos that I have posted on my Instagram

I've seen the most progress in my arms and legs. My stomach has definitely leaned out as well. I currently weigh 119lbs - which means I lost 4.8% of my body weight. I didn't plan on losing weight, and I don't plan on losing any more. I have lost body fat and gained lean muscle and have never felt better! Please follow me as I will do my best to help you with your journey. I will be giving motivational tips, fitness tips, and ways to help you reach a healthy lifestyle. I encourage you to become a member in order to receive updates on future posts as well as follow me on Instagram for daily motivation. This was from today - 

Hope you all have a great Friday!! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Healthy Lifestyle

To those that don't know me, I am a 21 year old college graduate who recently fell in love with the fitness and health industry. I became so interested that I began researching and educating myself on having a 'healthy lifestyle.' I read countless of articles about good carbs, bad carbs, protein, healthy fats, fiber, sugar, etc. All this was so interesting to me, and at the same time I became disgusted with what I was filling my body with.

I have always been very busy with school, two jobs, a house to take care of, and bills to pay that I allowed my health to take the back seat. In the mornings I would rarely eat breakfast, and if I did it was cereal. For lunch, I would have something small that didn't need much prep. During college it would be something like cheez-its and an apple because it was easy and handy. If I was working at the restaurant during dinner, I would either have some bread or have the cooks make me some pasta. Then at 9:00 or so when I would get home, I would snack on my beloved Lay's Classic Potato chips. These chips have been a HUGE staple in my diet because of the convenience. Little did I know, this was all about to change!

I was happy with my appearance - weighing 125lbs and 5'2" wearing size 2 jeans. Who wouldn't be?! Once I began learning about having a healthy lifestyle - I was all for it! On January 21st 2013, I began the Insanity Workout and fell in love. It was tough, and I mean tough. The workouts are killer, but once you start you DON'T want to stop. It is very addicting, so addicting that once I completed round one I started round two directly after. The strength and endurance you build.. at home.. with no equipment is absolutely remarkable. It took me a while to see any physical changes, but I was seeing "non-scale" victories. My clothes were fitting better, I was able to do more reps, I had more energy, etc. It wasn't until I changed my eating habits that I began seeing progress. 

"You can't out train a bad diet." 
I could not express this quote enough! No matter how many sit-ups or crunches you do, you will NOT get rid of your 'belly' or your love handles. Also, there is no such thing as spot-reducing. You can't pick and choose where you lose weight from, or else everyone would be doing it. In order to lose fat, you need to have a clean diet. In other words, lean meats, whole grains, fruits, veggies, nuts, sweet potatos, oats, etc. Absolutely no processed foods, added sugar, or soda. By cutting out soda alone, you will see progress - I promise. I will be adding a grocery list shortly to help all of you who choose to better themselves and live a happy, healthy life. Choosing to have a healthy lifestyle has been one of the greatest things I have done for myself, and my health. I have never felt better!

Thank you to everyone who has came to me and asked me for my help and my advice. Thank you to everyone who has acknowledged my progress. Thank you to everyone who has supported me in my new lifestyle. It is YOU who motivates me, and keeps me going. I will be using this blog to motivate you, help you, educate you, and most importantly be there for you in case you have any questions. Be sure to follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration - @makenzie_costley